January 14, 2020
Obsession of Madison and Vine

Hey people, welcome back to the blog with your favorite blogger, Noelle. So I found something brand new that no one has ever talked about before. Just kidding, I bet I got you. But basically I was watching another great show, The Office, and I spotted Madison and Vine. Also, real quick, I know that The Office can be depicted as super degrading of women, but if you want to look on the bright side, I think it more so highlights the flaws in our society of the way lots of men treat women. By doing this is can open other's eyes up and they are having fun by doing it because its a show. Anyway, back to my Madison and vine thing I found in The Office during season two episode eighteen. During this scene Pam has a bag of Jolly Ranchers during a bring your kid to work day. A little bit later Pam gets the kids to talk to her. By doing this, it makes Jolly Ranchers seem as though their project will solve your social problems and will allow you to make more child friends. Kind of creepy right. This link might work if you want to buy the episode and see the scene that I am talking about. If you get scammed though that's not my fault, I have not used this website nor will I ever. Everything you do is at your own risk. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0779510/
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