Free Choice (Week 4)- 12/27/18
December 27, 2019
Madison and Vine Part 3
Hey people, welcome back to the blog with your favorite blogger, Noelle. So basically my sister and I love watching Just Go with It and while watching it I was telling her that I am sure there is plenty of things I can find and use in my blog. Turns out I was completely right because within the first few minutes I saw Madison and Vine pop up. In this movie there was plenty of name brands that they specifically of that stores name that they went into. One of the most prominent ones was from the brand Gucci. They specifically highlight Gucci in movie by showing the stores name and when the two main characters leave the store holding a large Gucci bag with its name pointed at the camera. By doing this they highlight that to be visually beautiful, happy, and to get what you want, you must shop at Gucci. This is seen as after they leave the store Jennifer Aniston has a huge smile on her face and Adam Sandler is able to get this girl to go along with his schemes. You can also see that after shopping at these stores, Jennifer Aniston is magically transformed into this woman of which is what society considers to be beautiful. If you want to see the movie I think you should, but it is not for everyone so you may not like it but you can figure it out. There is also a link to her transformation at the bottom of this blog so you can see the beauty that comes from shopping at Gucci and the other name brands presented.
I personally love that movie, and have also noticed the name brands presented. In the scenes where the brands are shown, The director almost always has the logos visible. I also agree with what you believed was the deeper meaning behind using these popular brands in the movies. Probably after this movie was released, Gucci must of gotten a lot more female shoppers due to Jennifer Aniston's beautiful, happy, and successful appearance that shoppers wanted to resemble as well.