December 03, 2019
Trump's Impeachment Things

Hello those of you who read this article, today I am going to analyze the language that is used within two articles of similar things that use very different language of which ultimately end up persuading readers. I noticed that in the Fox New article, there were lots of attacks, or fallacies, on the other political party and the people who were involved in this court. This ultimately weakened this authors article and standpoint as it did not have clear facts of which specifically proved a strong argument. A better way that this author could have done his article was to look at the facts of which happened and explain the wrongs and errors in that rather than having the whole article as an error. The difference with the New York Times article was a far different standpoint and level of sophistication, especially compared to the Fox News Article, that held values of a more democratic political preference. These subtle touches in the usage of language, such as the word rejected, allow a negative view on Trump of which provides an overall view of greatness on the impeachment of this president.
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